Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Out With the Old

This is how they get an old pipe down off of the V.S.M. (vertical support member). These cats have a boom on one side and a big counter weight on the other side. They lift the pipe up and the cat in the back lets his down to the ground and unhooks his sling. Then he leap frogs up to the front and lifts up again. Then they just keep doing the leap frog method down the pipeline.


Heidi said...

Thats pretty cool,I always thought they put it in in MUCH smaller sections. Just how long is that section?

prudhoeman said...

This section is about a 1/4 mile long or so. They are taking this line down because it is full of corrosion and will be putting a new line back in.

john r mclay said...

Surprising, but, efficient. I'm surprised the new piping isn't plastic-based.