Saturday, June 23, 2007

Sticking Together!

Yesterday, I walked out to look at a location on one of the pipes that I was working on and a crow came swooping down and lands on another pipe about 20 to 30 feet away from me. Just after he lands he started squawking at me. This definitely wasn’t any friendly squawking either, and then another crow lands on the other side of me and starts doing the same thing but this one was a little farther away. I thought that I must be close to there nest and they just want to scare me away. Then I notice something moving under the pipes, it’s another crow but this one couldn’t fly it can only walk. It looked pretty beat up. I think that the two healthy crows were trying to protect the other one.


MrsM said...

Yikes, he does look beat up. Poor thing.

john r mclay said...

or - maybe they wanted to eat him when he died and were hoping (as a human) the killer was in their midst.