Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Trap is Set!

This is one of are North Slope security trucks sitting in one of there favorite spots. He is sitting just off the main road were the speed limit goes from 45 MPH to 25 MPH. As you can see, the way he is sitting you can’t see him until you come over the hill and are staring him right in the face and by that time his radar has already got you. (See picture # 2)


Heidi said...

I am assuming that since you took the picture, you were not the one pulled over... Have you slowed down in your old age? or had he gotten you also?

MrsM said...

Sneaky isn't he? That's too funny.

prudhoeman said...

No that’s not me in the picture, he hasn’t gotten me I know his tricks. I have slowed down, at least when I’m up here.